Insight into electronic evidence is critical early in a case. However, insights are limited by the constraints of today’s search technology, leaving legal teams in the dark and without leverage when they make the most impactful decisions: keyword negotiations, and the choice to fight or settle.
However, new “search-in-place” technology offers an alternative. With it, legal teams can search and analyze evidence before data is ever collected and use it to earn and grow a significant early case advantage.
Join us to explore how companies have used in-place, proactive eDiscovery to:
- Gather insights from search-term hit reports to win keyword negotiations
- Know exactly where they stand by identifying digital evidence hotspots
- Minimize data collection/sharing and identify potential “smoking guns” using evidence heat-maps
- Speed up eDiscovery by searching and analyzing in-place, without exports or the need for IT’s help
Curious to learn more? Read our blogs:
- Review is too late – Get insights early to win your case
- Minimize your data and win the review with advanced eDiscovery search
- eDiscovery collections are outdated – “search in place” and get ahead