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Spring cleaning in IT: 12 tech professionals share best practices

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Mar 30, 2017

After the cold months of winter pass, spring is the time to throw open the windows, sweep away the cobwebs, and start anew. While most IT leaders would agree that keeping the IT house in order is a year-round effort, spring brings a reminder to pull out the white gloves and take a closer look for any technical debt, cyber risks, or outdated processes hiding in the dusty corners of the datacenter.

Roll up your sleeves: 12 IT professionals and leaders share their best tips for getting to work.

Carefully clean file share

Kon Leong, President, CEO and co-founder, ZL Technologies: “Spring cleaning is right around the corner and many enterprises may be considering cleaning up their file share. However, deleting data can be complicated. Knowing what to archive and what to eliminate is not necessarily a simple manner. For many organizations, file analysis is treated as a one-time project. However, unless something is done with the analyzed content, it becomes necessary to eventually repeat the effort. There are constantly new items, changes, and revisions. If file analysis is used as the first step in a one-time cleanup approach, it’s akin to doing spring cleaning … and then no more cleaning for the rest of the year.”

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