In the News

Bringing cyber awareness, big league


Oct 12, 2016

Kon Leong, President, CEO and Co-founder, ZL Technologies said:

The most immediate security threat often comes from within. This isn’t always caused by malicious behavior; it also results from misinformed employee data practices. Luckily, advancements in technology have enabled data control through capabilities such as employee access privileges, ensuring data stays in the hands of the people who need it. Optimizing these capabilities requires a command of data only possible through comprehensive information governance.

However, security technology is not something you simply plug in and forget about: End users must be brought into the equation. They’re the ones who know best the content of the data they create, so consulting with them to set proactive access privileges and retention policies is essential to risk mitigation.

Making cybersecurity a collaborative process will promote a risk-oriented culture within the organization. Whether training end users or engaging in board discussions, a focus on collaboration across all departments will help to improve your corporate culture.

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