Dec 23, 2010
Until only a few years ago, document discovery for litigation purposes was the domain of lawyers, law clerks, judges and other non-IT folks. Not anymore. Since the advent of search engines for word documents, email, spreadsheets, messaging threads, photos, logs, videos and a score of other file formats, IT has been intimately involved in rounding up evidence for legal cases. As the sheer amount of business information continues to multiply in storage arrays—whether they are on or off-premises—it has become more difficult for legal teams to find all the documents they need to prosecute or defend a case. Thus, the e-discovery field has burgeoned with new ideas and products that: a) find the correct information; b) find it within a reasonable amount of time; and c) cut the often staggering costs of having expensive legal teams sift through files one by one. In this slideshow, eWEEK, with the assistance of ZL Technologies of San Jose, Calif., offers a list of its top e-discovery trends for 2011 and beyond.
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